Kansas Manufacturing Council

Who KMC Is

The Kansas Manufacturing Council or KMC is the leading advocacy organization for Kansas manufacturers and companies serving manufacturers, representing small and large manufacturers across the state.


The mission of KMC is to provide knowledge, resources and support in order to create a stronger and more prosperous manufacturing sector.


Through the Kansas Chamber, KMC has a powerful voice for the state’s manufacturing community to advocate for a policy agenda that helps manufacturers compete in the global economy and create jobs across Kansas.


Our outstanding staff of policy experts provide unmatched access and information on the key issues affecting your business and bottom line. We are on the front lines of a wide range of policy battles, from immigration reform and labor relations, to energy and the environment, to trade policy and taxes. At every turn, we are working on behalf of manufacturers in Kansas to advance policies that help manufacturers do what they do best: create economic strength and jobs.

What KMC Does for Kansas Manufacturers


  • Provides opportunities for Kansas manufacturers of all sizes and industries to:
    • Jointly address labor and workforce needs
    • Meet and share best practices
    • Find suppliers and customers
  • Connects manufacturers with exiting military personnel through the Military to Manufacturing Project with the Manufacturing Institute.
  • Conducts in-depth research on issues important to Kansas manufacturers, such as skills gap research with the Brandmeyer Center for Applied Economics at the University of Kansas University School of Business.

The Kansas Chamber is the state affiliate for the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM).


As the state affiliate we know the importance of sharing pressing information and issues and having your voice heard.


For more information on the National Association of Manufacturers, click here.

Programs Available Through KMC

KMC has partnered with NAM to provide its members a discounted subscription to the Manufacturers Marketplace.


This robust directory is by manufacturers, for manufacturers, connecting small and large manufacturers in every industrial sector with a comprehensive search capability to connect and engage with companies that will meet your unique supply chain needs.


You may review this benefit at https://manufacturersmarketplace.us/. Contact the KMC to start your discounted subscription at KMC@kansaschamber.org.

  The Heroes MAKE America program is a full-time, 10-week career skills training program that will arm service members transitioning out of the military with the skills needed to find a rewarding career in manufacturing. Learn more about the program here.

  It’s no secret workforce development is key to Kansas businesses. That is why the Kansas Chamber joined the ACT State Council and is partnering with ACT Work Ready Communities (WRC).


As part of the effort, 11th grade Kansas students take the ACT WorkKeys National Career Readiness Assessment to measure essential workplace skills in several areas, including problem solving, critical thinking, and written communication to work related problems. The students receive a rating certificate on their workplace readiness and recommendations on areas of improvement. WorkKeys also is available to those currently in the workforce and those looking to enter the workforce.


The program unifies educators, employers, workforce/economic development, and community leaders on common goals for workforce supply and demand that boost outcomes for all involved.


To learn more, visit the ACT website here.

The Manufacturers’ Accountability Project (MAP) will set the record straight and highlight the concerted, coordinated campaign being waged by trial lawyers, public officials, deep-pocketed foundations and other activists who have sought to undermine and weaken manufacturers in the United States.


The MAP is a project of the NAM’s Manufacturers’ Center for Legal Action (MCLA) which serves as the leading voice of manufacturers in the nation’s courts. The MCLA engages in a proactive legal strategy to advance policy objectives and advocate for strategic manufacturing interests. The MCLA team works to rein in regulatory overreach, protect hard-fought legislative gains and ensure a level playing field for manufacturers.


Click here to learn more about MAP and its efforts.

Upcoming KMC Events

Save the date for the 2022 Kansas Manufacturing Summit!


This year’s summit will take place on October 12th and 13th at the Kansas Star Casino and Event Center in Mulvane, KS. Visit KSManufacturing.org to learn more about the agenda and incredible speakers and panelists.


If you are interested in being part of the summit, email the KMC team at KMC@KansasChamber.org.

Coolest Thing Made in Kansas Competition

The Kansas Manufacturing Council’s Coolest Thing Made in Kansas competition highlights the state’s manufacturing industry, which employs one out of 11 Kansas workers.


Any product that is made in Kansas qualifies for the competition. There are two categories – People’s Choice and Coolest Innovation. Presented by FORVIS, read more about the competition here.

KMC Board of Advisors

The KMC is overseen by its Board of Advisors who represent various types of manufacturers in Kansas and organizations that support them.

  • Luke Amend, Hutton
  • Lafe Bailey, Wenger Manufacturing, Inc.
  • Tammy Broaddus, Overflow
  • Karen Brown-Gentz, Sauder Custom Fabrications
  • Mark Chalfant, BG Products
  • John Clark, Midwest Minerals
  • Carrie Emberson, BKD CPAs & Advisors
  • Chris Ferraro, Enjet Aero
  • Kenny Finley, GearHaul
  • Kevin Gray, Custom Wood Products
  • Shawn Huibsch, Metal Arts, LLC
  • Greg Kahnk, Lawrence Paper Company
  • Tony Krsnich, Kennedy Glass
  • Paula Landoll-Smith, Landoll Corporation
  • Mary Lefebvre, ACT
  • Pat Leopold, Hill’s Pet Nutrition
  • James Mazurek, Garmin
  • David McFarlane, McFarlane Aviation, Inc.
  • Joe Pennington, Stevenson Company
  • Alan Poff, Schwan’s Food Manufacturing
  • Tony Reinhart, Ford Motor Company
  • Daren Roberts, Kendall Packaging Corporation
  • Melissa Roberts Chapman, KC Bio Hub / BioNexusKC
  • Delbert Selectman, Dello Eco
  • Tim Selgelid, Goodyear
  • Joshua Shorter, Integrated Components, Inc. (Chair)
  • Tiffany Stovall, Kansas Manufacturing Solutions
  • Jen Wold, BKD CPAs & Advisors
  • Zach Zimmerman, Spirit AeroSystems
Contact KMC

Add your voice to the Kansas Manufacturing Council. Contact the KMC team at KMC@KansasChamber.org.

Brandie McPherson, Executive Director

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