Final Head-to-Head Match-up Set For Coolest Thing Made In Kansas

Topeka, KAN. – After four weeks of competition, the Kansas Manufacturing Council’s (KMC) 2020 Coolest Thing Made In Kansas is down to its final two Kansas-made products.
The final head-to-head match-up puts number one seed Autoland by Garmin, headquartered in Olathe, against number two seed EMP Shield by EMP Shield, headquartered in Burlington.
The CTMK tournament began with the top 16 out of more than 50 nominated Kansas-made products. After each round of voting, the products receiving the highest votes in their head-to-head match ups moved to the next round.

The competition highlights the important impact the manufacturing industry has on the Kansas economy and helps raise awareness of the many products made in the state.

Voting for the final head-to-head match-up runs from 12:00 am on Friday, October 2nd until 5:00 pm on Monday, October 5th. Click here or go to to vote in the CTMK finals.
The winner will be announced during the Kansas Manufacturing Summit on Tuesday, October 6, 2020 at the Kansas Star Casino. The top four companies will be on display at the summit. The summit is open to all Kansas manufacturers and those interested in supporting the industry.



For more information, contact Sherriene Jones-Sontag.

Posted Sept. 16, 2020


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