Kansas Chamber Launches COVID-19 Recovery Dashboard


Topeka, KAN – The Kansas Chamber launched its Relief and Recovery Dashboard to track data indicators that are key to identifying and implementing impactful public policy that leads to economic growth.

“Now that our state and businesses are beginning to safely reopen, our elected leaders need to focus on enacting public policy that will lead to rapid economic growth,” said Chamber President and CEO Alan Cobb.

“Kansas was one of the last states to fully recover from the 2008 – 2009 Great Recession,” Cobb continued. “Much of the delay was because of barriers that prevented businesses from investing and expanding their operations. This dashboard will help to track whether the state is recovering from economic devastation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic through statewide restrictions and the loss of tens of thousands of jobs.”

The Chamber’s dashboard is focused on three areas of data:

  • Consumer and Business Spending
  • Business Recovery
  • Employment and Income


“Each area has multiple data sources that together will paint a picture of how Kansas is doing. Not only will these economic indicators allow investors and businesses to better forecast and plan their investments, but they will help Gov. Kelly and the Kansas Legislature identify regulations and statutes that need adjusting if Kansas is not recovering fast enough,” said Cobb.

Cobb said the dashboard is part of the Chamber’s effort to be a resource for Kansas businesses and state and community leaders during economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Chamber tracks a list of critical business resources on its website, including an extensive list of county virus orders. Last month the Chamber released its Relief and Recovery Agenda which included more than 40 recommendations gathered from the state’s business community to help restart the state’s economy.

The dashboard will be updated and reviewed on a monthly basis. Click here to learn more about it or go to https://kansaschamber.org/relief-recovery-dashboard.



For more information, contact Sherriene Jones-Sontag.

Posted June 1, 2020


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