01 Apr Leadership Kansas Announces 2022 Class for Kansas Emerging Leadership Program
Topeka, KAN. – Leadership Kansas, one of the country’s oldest and most distinguished statewide leadership programs, on Friday announced its Kansas Emerging Leaders (KEL) Class of 2022.
KEL is a statewide program designed to enhance and motivate young leaders from various Kansas communities. Each year, Kansans in their 20s and 30s are nominated to apply for the program.
Developed based on feedback from the more than 1,500 Leadership Kansas alumni, LK created KEL to give outstanding young leaders a format to learn more about Kansas and about the opportunities within the state for professional growth.
“The KEL Class of 2022 is a great representation of our state. We are excited to help them begin their journey of leadership and discovery,” said LK Executive Director Aaron Miller. “Upon completion of the program, these young professionals will be better equipped to shoulder important leadership responsibilities in their individual careers and for their respective communities because of their experience and training through Kansas Emerging Leaders.”
The 20 individuals selected to participate in the 2022 program will learn about a myriad of topics important to Kansans through five monthly sessions held across the state. They will:
- Learn about Kansas’ business, social, educational, and government issues of our past, how they impact us today, and how they will shape our future.
- Build a network of fellow Kansans who are committed to our state’s success.
- Receive professional leadership training opportunities.
- Meet mentors and connect with Kansas leaders.
- Create a pipeline of potential future Leadership Kansas program participants.
To qualify for the program, nominees must work or live in Kansas, be an outstanding leader, who have been involved in campus or community programs and express an interest to stay in Kansas and become more involved.
Click here for the list of the KEL Class of 2022.
Nominations for KEL’s 2023 class may be submitted at www.LeadershipKansas.org/nominate-KEL.
For more information, contact:
Sherriene Jones-Sontag
Posted: April 1, 2022