Kansas Retail Council

Who KRC Is

The mission of the  Kansas Retail Council – or KRC – is to provide knowledge, resources, and support to Kansas retailers so they can prosper.


KRC focuses on retail business issues that impact small and large retailers in Kansas. Through the Kansas Chamber, the KRC promotes doing business in Kansas and is a liaison to the National Retail Federation as well as other state retail associations, and gives Kansas retailers a strong, unified voice on legislative and public policy matters.


KRC is made up of Kansas retailers and affiliated businesses who are members of the Kansas Chamber. You or your company must be a member of the Kansas Chamber to join the KRC.

What KRC Does for Kansas Retailers

The KRC is an advocate for Kansas Retailers on Taxation, Employment Law and Regulatory Affairs. Here’s how:



  • Support passage of legislation addressing federal tax windfall caused by the tax cuts and jobs act.
  • Support legislation regarding collection of sales taxes by out-of-state, onlineonly retailers in response to the Wayfair decision, and use that revenue to lower rates.
  • Oppose efforts which seek to impose a tax on sugary beverages.
  • Support lowering of state sales tax.
  • Protect against changes to long-standing valuation methodology which attempts to take income into consideration when valuing property.



  • Protect against repeal of Kansas law which prevents local units of government from imposing harmful mandates not required by state or federal law including:
  • Fair scheduling
  • Minimum wage
  • Paid leave



  • Oppose bans on plastics, straws, chemicals and other items.
  • Oppose food labeling mandates.
  • Support ability for all stores to sell full strength beer, wine and spirits.

The Kansas Chamber is the state affiliate for the National Retail Federation (NRF).


As the state affiliate we know the importance of sharing pressing information and issues and having your voice heard.


For more information on the National Retail Federation, click here.

Shop Local. Shop Online.

How consumers shop has shifted, putting a much heavier focus on shopping online – safely at home. Why not support local Kansas businesses while you do it? KRC has compiled a list of Kansas retail online stores to help support local business.


Click below to view the list of local retailers by city. This page will continue to grow and improve and we encourage you to tell other retailers so they can upload their store information as well. Retailers in our online shopping page do not have to be members of the Kansas Chamber.

If you are interested in listing your company on this list, fill out this form. We are excited to support Kansas businesses and until we can safely do that in-person, we will shop online!

Upcoming KRC Events

The KRC Board of Advisors meets on the first Tuesday of the second month of the quarter. Meetings scheduled for 2021:

  • February 2nd
  • May 4th
  • August 3rd
  • November 2nd


Check back for other KRC events.  Click here to learn about other Kansas Chamber events important to Kansas retailers.

KRC Board of Advisors

The KRC is overseen by its Board of Advisors who represent various types of retail businesses in Kansas.

  • Fick Austin, The Gun Garage
  • Alex Byrnes, Hy-Vee
  • Rice Chauncey, Target
  • Sean Conner, Lowe’s
  • Beth Easter, INTRUST Bank
  • Michelle Erbeyi, MaryKay
  • Karen Holt, Best Buy
  • Ryan Irsik, Walmart
  • Rob Lanphier, 34th State Games
  • Mike Lesser, Kansas Fence Company
  • Christina Morris, CVS
  • Corey Peterson, The Hemslojd
  • Bryan Posler, Fuel True
  • Chad Stafford, Occidental Management
  • Lisette Torres, Lowe’s
  • Pat Warren, Kansas Speedway
  • Staci Williams, Petland (Chair)
  • Kent Wilson, Target
Contact The KRC Team

Add your voice to the Kansas Retail Council. Contact the KRC team at KRC@KansasChamber.org.


Brandie McPherson, Executive Director

Jessalyn Hollenbeck, Director

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