26 Sep People’s Choice Tournament Narrows to Top 8 Coolest Kansas-Made Products
Topeka, KAN. – The Kansas Manufacturing Council (KMC) on Monday announced the eight products headed to the next round of voting for the 2022 Coolest Thing Made In Kansas – People’s Choice tournament.
Presented by FORVIS, Kansans cast nearly 21,000 votes during the first round of tournament voting that concluded Sunday.
The eight products who received the most votes in the tournament’s first round of head to head match-ups and are moving on to the second round are:

Second round voting opens at Noon today (Monday, Sept. 26th). Kansans can vote in the second round of the People’s Choice tournament until 5:00 pm, Sunday, October 2nd. The four match-up winners in the second round then will compete for the most votes in the final round of the tournament.
KMC Executive Director Brandie McPherson said the annual competition raises awareness about the state’s manufacturing industry and is a great way to learn about the many products manufactured in Kansas.
“It’s also a wonderful opportunity for Kansas manufacturers to show their best stuff and prove they have what it takes to be the People’s Choice winner in this year’s tournament,” said McPherson.
This year’s Coolest Thing Made in Kansas competition also includes the Coolest Innovation category. The KMC announced the four finalists for the new category last Friday.
The winners of both contests will be announced on Wednesday, October 13th during the 2022 Kansas Manufacturing Summit at the Kansas Star Casino and Event Center. The 16 manufacturers featured in the tournament are invited to display their products during the Coolest Celebration. Reception the night before the summit. Cast your votes now at bit.ly/2022CTMK.